My last blog entry was exactly one year ago. What happened during that year?
I don't know. I don't remember a bit of it.
Not a bit of my part in it, anyway. I have memories of life during that time, but none of the memories are my own.
I'm not sure the memories are even of this world.
Should I relate them here? As these are not my memories, but the private memories of someone else, would I be invading that person's right to privacy to present them online?
If I have another person's memories, does she have mine? Can she tell me what I did during this lost year?
I've tried to contact this person whose memories I've stolen, but of course I've found no evidence for her existence or that her actions ever occurred. That is why I'm convinced the memories are from another world. One just as real as ours, but invisible to us as we are invisible to them.
Except for the few occasions when the branes cross over.
How many other people have had this experience? Am I the only one?
I won't stop trying to find my lost memories. In the mean time, I should contact those I know.
I'm no longer in Brussels, by the way. Nor am I back in Texas. I'm currently typing from a cyber cafe in New Jersey.