Despite the infrequency at which chupacabras are noticed, they're quite abundant. Not just across Mexico or the southern United States, but worldwide. They're excellent at hiding their mass numbers as well as their very existence as a species.
But they're everywhere. There are probably at least one or two living in your house.
It's not that you don't see them. You simply don't notice them. Fleeting, doglike shadows in your peripheral vision. You see them, but your brain decides they don't exist because they don't make sense. Surely a creature with a shape so grotesque, so unholy could never truly be.
It's possible to program your brain to accept what your eyes send it, but it takes practice and a lot of idle time. The Bilderberg Bunch doesn't have this sort of time, of course, which is how I'm able to infiltrate their meetings unnoticed.
Take a tip from the chupacabra and become virtually invisible. But what you see when you become such will not be pleasant. The brain chooses to ignore what it does because the truth will drive you insane.