Wednesday, June 13, 2001

Justice's Boomerang

The official Dunlap Pig Industries website has responded to my accusations by attempting to discredit me and, of course, Dr. Qualified.

Just as they did before.

Regardless of my sanity or the sanity of Dr. Qualified, how does Dunlap explain the presence of the company's proprietery DNA in the pigdoughblob? They don't even bother.

It's easy to ignore what I've said because I've talked about chupacabras and Mothmen, and I understand that Dr. Qualified is not the most respected scientist in his community.

But facts should be judged on their own, not for their messengers.

In fact, I have concrete proof. Absolute, irrefutable proof that Dunlap Pig Industries is responsible for the pigdoughblob. Not purposefully or directly, but they're still guilty of purposeful coverup.

I won't reveal my proof just yet, though. I want to give Dunlap Pig Industries the chance to redeem themselves by admitting their actions while they still have a choice.

If they haven't responded in one week, I'll post my proof.